0158 0332 0617 0683 1632_294 1643_288 1646_566 1649_555 1653_466 1656_624 1657_929 1659_414 1660_732 1664_372 1670_390 1671_939 1672_176 1674_493 1717_128 1722_680

Armed women on guard and participating in Khordad in one of the main squares in Tehran at the beginning of the Iranian Revolution.   (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
Armed women on guard and participating in Khordad in one of the main squares in Tehran at the beginning of the Iranian Revolution. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
People with guns looted from army garrisons, ride in cars on the afternoon of victory of  Islamic revolution in Tehran, 11th February 1979. (Photo by Kaveh Kazemi/Getty Images)
People with guns looted from army garrisons, ride in cars on the afternoon of victory of Islamic revolution in Tehran, 11th February 1979. (Photo by Kaveh Kazemi/Getty Images)

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